
Friday 20 June 2014

To burden or Not to burden.

I was discussing the start of this blog with a very close friend of mine yesterday. He gave me a view point that I hadn't really considered. He wanted me to view the affect of acknowledgement of these social occurrences on my own well-being. He essentially raised the point of, how much emotional strain would I be putting on towards myself and what would the gains be by acknowledging other peoples circumstances?
Would it be better to be oblivious to the things you cannot change and save yourself the emotional burden OR do you make yourself aware, take on the emotional burden and realise that us, as individuals, cannot change what we see.....I mean we are not all Nelson Mandela's or Mahatma Gandhi's.

I think the generic answer is, most of us make ourselves aware, but we put up that emotional/physical buffer that allows us to switch off the TV, internet, newspaper or journal and carry on with our daily lives. Sooner or later that story you will have heard, be it on CNN/FOX/Sky/Al Jazzerra, would dissipate because the interest has died down........but it's still occurring and perhaps magnifying.

I count myself as one of the people who can't make a difference....yet.....I hope I may in the future but the odds are currently not in favour. But there are many of us who can, and are, making change to what has influenced them emotionally. These are people who have position in social/professional or cultural hierarchy OR those who have the will,intellect or stamina to create change. Those who have position generally fight for multiple causes, of which personal gain may be a dominate cause.......but this is not the case for all. Those with will, intellect or stamina may fight for an initial cause but often must fight the temptation for personal manifestations.

If I can't change what I see and hear, and neither can you (the 150 or so people who have read this blog).....what is the point to this blog then? Do I hope that a Martin Luther King, a Mother Teresa, a liberator is reading what I write and can cause change? ..........YES. Do I hope it will bring awareness of those who are trying to make positive change?.....YES. Do I believe that awareness is better than oblivious?.....YES. Will I make a difference to the lives of those I write about? ..............most likely not. BUT through writing this blog I am building up my own stamina, intellect and will to cause change.....and hopefully doing the same to those who read it.

I was told by close family members not to post my views and get myself into "unwanted trouble".....however we all have to start somewhere with voicing our opinions.....none of the people mentioned above became who they are and caused reformation of society by keeping silent.

I will finish this post with the statement that I have mentioned before: A collective voice is strong than one that is singular. 

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