
Friday 13 June 2014

Arsenic and Salinity in Bangladesh drinking water and agriculture

These videos are with regard to the drinking water found in Bangladesh. The issue of saline water coupled with arsenic contaminated groundwater in Bangladesh affects a population of 60 million people, almost the population size of the U.K. It's the largest mass poisoning ever recorded in history. How does this concern you:

1. Firstly appreciate the importance of pure water. Many of us, including myself, take for granted the ability to switch a tap on and receive water of good turbidity, temperature, and pure.
2. Rice paddies in the region are grown using water from the surrounding aquifers.....some of which are contaminated with arsenic. In the short term the health effects are minimal. However in the long term not enough research has been conducted to understand the true magnitude of the problem. Rice from the region is exported on a global scale.
Video on arsenic contamination 

Video on salinity and maternal health

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