
Thursday 12 June 2014

Introduction to why I started this blog

I have decided to create this blog to voice out my views and opinions on particular occurrences that have struck me in a certain fashion be it good or bad. Having grown to an age that I am now (23), there are many things which worry me deeply about the world that we live in. I feel many of us don't believe it concerns us because we are detached from the occurrence either via a physical boundary (i.e land, sea) or an emotional buffer.

The fact is, you and I lead the life that we lead due to a very small probability. A small change in history could have caused a very different lifestyle for each individual today. This is essentially chaos theory and the butterfly effect. What I am trying to state is that it was luck, be it good or bad, that has given you the lifestyle you led and the local environment, cultural and economic stability that you live in. Your life could have been very different therefore don't detach yourself from reality of the world we live in. 

From here on this blog will represent life and hardships faced by different societies across the globe. Please excuse my english, I know its terrible and in some case many not make sense. However please try to look past my grammar and spelling and concentrate on the message. Thank you in advance and anything that you find interesting within this blog I urge you to voice it out yourself. The power of collective voices is strong and can cause change.

This blog will also represent things of interests and not just the hardships of life. :)

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